--- Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm writing to apologize for being such a pompous
> ass. Also to state
> that my current position on the whole thing is that
> whoever it was who
> plotted to bring down the WTC buildings succeeded in
> a manner so
> spectacular that it must have surprised even them.
> 9/11 was a ghastly crime committed by crazed
> fanatics, some or all of
> whom were Muslim extremists.

Dear Dave,
Thanks for the kind words.  In fact, I just want to
note here that in fact you are _precisely_ correct.  I
can't cite the page # for you because my books are in
the office, but as _The Age of Sacred Terror_ among
other books notes, it is exactly true that the
plotters were surprised by their success.  We have _on
video_ Usama Bin Laden stating that he was the most
optimistic member of Al Qaeda in terms of his
expectations for the damage done by the impacts, and
that even he thought that only the floors above the
point of impact would be destroyed.


Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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