On 23/09/2006, at 7:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

" The relationship between
fact and theory (or maybe data and hypothesis) is dynamic and not > easily

So is it a fact that evolution occurs because of natural selection or is that a theory? After all the data to support natural selection as a mechanism (maybe not the only mechanism but a mechanism) is extremely solid as well. It comes from many disciplines and can be direcltly proven in experiments on organisms with short generetatiion times (bacteria viruses). To me natural selection is a proven mechanism of evolution. Steven Pinker has stated that it is the only explanation for the presence of adaptations in the world.

Pinker is overstating it a bit. Natural selection is a specific mechanism that explains a lot, and it's the foundation of selection theories, but in recent years its being discovered that there's a lot more going on (like organisms modulating their *own* transcription error rates in response to environmental stress). That natural selection is *part* of the mechanism is close to certain. But there's way more to speciation - kin selection, sexual selection, allopatric/ synpatric speciation. We're discovering some amazing processes by which differential survival rates are maximised.

These are all natural explicable processes, though. That natural selection is no longer considered the only selection criterion in no way means that evolutionary theory is "a theory in crisis", or that there's any doubt among honest scientists that life on Earth as we see it today evolved from common ancestors right back to prokaryotes.

These people ignore data and pre-existent well tested theories. They rely not on facts as a whole but isolated pieces of data and they develop theories that cannot stand the test of experience or time



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