John W Redelfs wrote:
On 9/13/06, Gibson Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Dan,

I guess I missed that message in the bustle of my life.

As another after word, every single one of my Archt schoolmates
contacted in no way buys the official story.  Every one of them cited
the pile-up of those vertical support beams should have tipped the
building, any building, off to one side or another.  None could think
of examples of a zero footprint implosion w/o demolition.
Confusion over the complete sell-off of all material that could be
studied was a mystery that baffles many

The same sort of thing baffled me after the fire that destroyed the Branch
Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.  How can anyone conduct an arson
investigation to see who started the fire if the mess is cleaned up before
the ashes are even warm? Isn't that called destroying evidence or something like that?

What's really sad is when the law enforcement officials in charge of the investigation are the ones messing up the evidence.

(I had a friend who was there at the site, observing the investigation; my understanding is that DPS was in charge, and they were totally messing up the area, much to the dismay of the FBI folks who were there. And no, I can't ask that friend about it now, because she died of cancer since then.)



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