At 08:58 AM Saturday 9/23/2006, Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:
Ronn Blankenship wrote:
> So we now have R which comes from S, and C which comes from
> B.  Anyone starting to miss the good old days when the name of a
> programming language actually stood for something?
It makes it very hard to google search for help in anything. For example,
if I want to know which perl [or python, or haskell, or intercal] function
displays the current working directory, I can google for
"<language> directory" or [if I know the C-equivalent]
"<language> getwd". But those idiotic names don't let me do it.

What about "whitespace"? It's a pity that the filename extension
is .ws instead of . .

And if you searched for " ", presumably you would probably get every page indexed by Google . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


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