> Dan Minette wrote:

<snipped most> 
> ....Peer review is based on the
> assumption that the scientific
> community does not operate on an inherently dogmatic
> or political basis.
> While new ideas may not initially get all the credit
> they might objectively
> deserve, the fact that additional data tends to
> support the correct theory
> results in the consensus shifting towards good new
> ideas.

Which can take years or even decades.  Another example
from medicine that I am hard put to explain, except to
think that no one _wanted_ to believe such a thing was
so widespread, is something that I was still taught in
the mid '80s:  Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted
disease, except that in some cases where children must
be sharing bathwater or toweling with infected
adult(s), they can become infected.

Talk about denial... <grimace>
> I think it might be helpful to look at several
> examples before reapplying
> this principal to the 9-11 conspiracy theories. 
> These examples will be
> listed in increasing confidence in the scientific
> consensus.  They are:
> 1) Global Warming
> 2) Cold Fusion
> 3) Young Earth

<snip very good discussion of these points>
Except that I think global warming is worse than you
accept - but as you note, differences of opinion and
interpretation are quite legitimate, not

> Looking at this progression, I see the 9-11
> conspiracy theories matching
> best with cold fusion.  Both require deliberate
> blindness to the obvious by
> a wide range of professionals....  

> This doesn't mean that we know exactly what
> happened, BTW.  There is still
> enough room in the data for a scenario that we are
> not thinking about to be
> the one that...after all is said and done...to be
> considered the best model....

Heck, I should have read this before finishing my
post, then I could have just said "Ditto" to that

I Do Not Like Them In A Box,
I Do Not Want Them Via Fox  Maru      ;)

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