On 28/09/2006, at 7:24 AM, Deborah Harrell wrote:

What I think has me 'smelling something rotten' are
the various other oddities and discrepancies (as
others have already listed, frex the Saudis flying out
unquestioned AFAIK); I think it is far more likely
that 'the conspiracy' (instead of our gov't. actually
setting up the towers to be blown) will turn out to be
deliberate ignoring of and/or covering up of pre-Day
intel that such a terror attack was imminant.  IOW,

Or just sheer opportunism. As the case of Jo Moore showed (it's "a good day to bury bad news"). The hypocrisy with regards to Saudi is ongoing and has been a feature of Western politics of all stripes for years, and I am no longer surprised by the blatant and tasteless cynicism of many of those with power.



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