On 28/09/2006, at 4:03 AM, Dave Land wrote:

This beautiful woman in her early 80's sat proudly as she spoke. Then
she said: "You know, I've lived in America since shortly after World War
II. It disturbs me to see the current leaders talk so much about the
dangers of terrorists, and talk so little about what Americans are made of. Someone needs to talk to Americans about finding their own bravery,
and about getting on with life without being constantly frightened by
every little thing. What allowed us in England to hang on during the war was not our military force, but the spirit of the people. Americans have this same spirit, but no one talks about it. That's a shame, because it
is the best protection we've got. Someone must tell them."

This is something I and others were saying in late 2001/early 2002. The panic from the world's most powerful people was baffling. It was like watching a giant weightlifter get bitten by a tiny ant and acting as if a shark had taken his leg. Yes, it was a spectacular and horrific attack with a terrible loss of life. But it was the indignity of the response that disappointed.


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