> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Ronn!Blankenship
> Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:53 AM
> To: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
> Subject: RE: 9/11 conspiracies (WAS RE: What should we believe when there
> >
> >If this is true, than why has world usage of fossil fuel gone up after a
> >tripling of price? Every indication is that a worldwide recession is the
> >only thing that will stop the growth of fossil fuel usage.
> A recession?  Or would it take a depression, or a
> catastrophic meltdown of the whole world economy?

I was thinking of a temporary halt...during the recession.  If World GDP
dropped, then I'd expect energy consumption to also drop.

> And what about the rest of the world, which wants
> what the US has:  IOW, the same standard of living, and all the "stuff" .

I Googled the official Chinese news on this, and found that they touted a 5
year plan to reduce energy consumption about 4%/year.  That sounded like a
unbelievable goal, with their economy growing at about 10% or so per year
for the last few years.  Then I read the fine print, and they pulled a Bush.
They wanted to reduce energy usage/GDP by 4%/year.  That would still, if
their growth continues, result in about a 30% increase in their fossil fuel
usage during that time.  They will still consume less than the US in 5
years, but I'd expect them to exceed our consumption in 10-15 years.  And,
of course, they have long insisted on being outside of any agreement on
emissions reduction.

Dan M.


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