On 2 Oct 2006 at 11:38, Richard Baker wrote:

> Andrew said:
> > As I've said before, the Mac is for technosnobs. Pure and simple.
> Saying it over and over doesn't make it true. And if it were true, that
> also doesn't mean that it's bad.
> Rich, who is a technosnob, but also just one data point.

To you, maybe. To put it another way, I take a very engineering view, 
rather than a scientific one to technology. I don't believe tech will 
save us, or anything we're not seeing in the next, say,  6 months as 
actually delivering on its potential.

It's not just one datapoint that Kieron gives, Rich, it's a long list 
of facts and the return attack is basically personal criticism. 
Countering logic with emotions. That some Mac fanatics DDoS'ed his 
site says a lot, to me.

Dawn Falcon


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