> Charlie Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 04/10/2006, at 9:16 AM, Deborah Harrell wrote:

> > C) Both can be eaten, however:
> >   i.  Oranges are part of a healthy, nutritious
> diet.
> >   ii. Offal is not - unless you are a vulture.
> Yes it is. But then I was born in Britain, where
> haggis, tripe, black  
> pudding and liver hotpot are regulars on the menu.

And we have another different interpretation of a word
from GB to US; the first definition below implies
edibility, but the ones after it do not.  

Main Entry: of·fal 
Pronunciation: 'o-f&l, 'ä-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from of off + fall
1 : the waste or by-product of a process: as a :
trimmings of a hide b : the by-products of milling
used especially for stock feeds c : the viscera and
trimmings of a butchered animal removed in dressing:
1. The rejected or waste parts of a butchered animal. 
2. A dead body; carrion. 
3. That which is thrown away as worthless or unfit for
use; refuse; rubbish. 

1. Offal, as the bowels of an animal or fish; refuse
animal or vegetable matter from a kitchen; hence,
anything worthless, disgusting, or loathsome. 
2. To strip of the bowels; to clean. 

>From the American Heritage Dictionary:
1) Waste parts, especially of a butchered animal.
2) Refuse; rubbish.

> Nothing wrong with offal in moderation. Liver is an
> excellent source  
> of vitamin A and iron. (Just don't eat too much,
> acute hypervitaminosis is a nasty way to go).

<grin>  _We_ call liver and organ meats etc. "variety
meats," not wanting to be accused of eating waste

Americish Instead Of English Maru   ;)

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