Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 12:20 PM Saturday 10/7/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:
Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 11:30 AM Saturday 10/7/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:
pencimen wrote:
Charlie wrote:

Hmm. I think intent is important. Some words may have been offensive
once, but 50 years is a long time in language. "Pom" used to be
offensive in Oz, but it's not now, unless it's accompanied by an
adjective (usually "whinging"...).
pffft!  WTF is whinging?


When I hear it from one of the folks in the UK with whom I exchange e-mail, I generally read it as "whining," which may not be an exact match but is generally sufficient to know what is meant . . .

That's my impression, but I figured I ought to double-check, and found that link, and the definition on that page is as useful as anything else, I think. :)


So now that we understand "whinging", what is a "Pom" (other than one of the two things a cheerleader holds in her hands which together make "pom-poms") and how does one of them whinge?




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