From: "Horn, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Behalf Of Jim Sharkey
> Evil Glasses Guy said something to the effect that PsyCop's 
> power is advancing more quickly than he'd have expected.  We 
> haven't seen enough of the "wipeout" guy's power to know if 
> he can be a booster as well as a damper.

]Yeah, I think the Cop just got a mindwipe of the recent events.  Not
]a total wipeout like was done to the quarterback-rapist.  I'm not
]sure if HRG* is good or bad at this point.  He certainly seems like
]a bad guy but he did delay in shooting the FlyingCandidate, so
]perhaps he wasn't so bad.  I don't think he is Sylar.  Doesn't quite

]My theory is that Sylar has powers similar to Mimic-boy.  But if he
]takes/absorbs/eats the brain of his victim, he gets to keep the
]power permanently.

Another angle:  It's Mimic-Boy gone evil once he realizes he can *keep* the 
Meh.  Not likely, but still...?

]Of course, after the previous episode, I was convinced that
]FutureHiro was played by a different actor than SuperHiro and that
]Nikki's husband was the mindwipe guy.  But after this episode, I see
]that I was incorrect on both of those.  I think we are going to find
]out a lot more about Nikki's powers and past in the next episode.
]Based on the preview, it looks like she had some sort of trauma in
]her past that caused her to split into two Nikki's.  I still think
]she's the one who killed and buried hubbie's gang members.  I wonder
]where the $2 million went...?

Don't get her angry...You won't like her when she's angry.

]  - jmh

]* Most of the things I'm reading call him "Horned Rim Glasses Man"
]or HRG for short (or sometimes HRM).


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