> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Jonathan
> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:16 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: We Will Not Be Afraid
> Almost missed this to respond to...
> On Oct 24, 2006, at 8:59 PM, jdiebremse wrote:
> >
> > --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I can't agree with you. Let me count the ways... no, I don't have that
> >> kind of time.
> >> I started listing the grand follies I could foresee even watching the
> >> 2000 campaign from Amsterdam, but the actual blooded tragedy list
> >> out-does anything I conjured - especially the Katrina fiasco.
> >
> >
> > Oh, that's because the Katrina fiasco was the fault of:
> >
> > A) A Republican President
> >
> > B) A Democratic Governor of Louisiana
> >
> > C) A Democratic Mayor of New Orleans
> >
> > D) All of the Above
> >
> >
> > Good Grief!
> >
> > JDG
> >
> The answer is "D" obviously, but it's in the mix that truth cuts the
> wet mud from dried blood.
> The storm hit was an event.  The pre-loading {and lack} of plans and
> preps were seriously hampered by the policies of this administration
> from abstract thinking to executive codecs.  These process and players
> compounded the problems once the storm hit and remained unable to
> perform the jobs they were ostensibly given.  "How" the job gets done
> is the Executive prerogative and now we have seen several whoppers from
> this laugh-machine.  This is where GwB & Co finally killed the hope
> Americans still held out for their leadership and marks the domestic
> downfall.  This was a clear trust broken and obfuscations like the list
> above have not changed public opinion on this topic, has it?

But, is that really obfuscation?  I think Bush et. al. has shown the
arrogance of incompetence in their planning for and their response to the
disaster.  I think that Louisiana and New Orleans' governmental responses
were consistent with my understanding of how they would do: badly. The
corruption in New Orleans and in La is a long standing, bi-partisan
tradition.  They must also bear responsibility for the problem.

Now, I cannot do much if New Orleans wants to reelect the Mayor who had a
half assed plan to evacuate the poor for a disaster he knew was coming...and
hoped it wasn't on his watch.

I think it is fair to say "a pox on all your houses" with respect to the
leadership at the city, state, and local level.  Comparing the response of
the local level to 9-11 in NYC, to Katrina, criticism of the La response
seems very justified.

What I think cannot be done is make a generalization towards what other
Republican administrations might do.  I think that, if we elect Giuliani or
McCain as president, we would see a much better run FEMA than we have now.
I'm not going to base my vote in the next Presidential election on GWB's
incompetence....I think that blind arrogant incompetence should not be
expected from these GOP front runners.  So, Bush is fair game for strong
criticism..he blew it.  But, I don't think that it should be a broad brush,
tarring all Republicans. Heck, the older President Bush would have done much
better....he did do a much better job with FEMA than his son.

Dan M. 


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