Now the server is back and it's approaching the end of 2006, I  
thought it time to post a few thoughts on things of interest this  
year. Anyone else feel like contributing one, jump in!

So it's one year on from the Dover decision, which dealt a pretty  
severe blow to those determined to dilute science with hack theology.  
With the Cobb controversy over the "critical thinking"  labels in  
biology textbooks finally spluttering out in the last couple of days,  
this has been a bad year for American creationists and pseudoscience,  
at least outside of their own target audience for their books and  
lucrative lecture tours. They're getting more and more bizarre. The  
recent claims that Judge Jones "plagiarised" the Proposed Findings Of  
Fact when writing his opinion, and the really lame Flash animation of  
bits of the opinion being read out in a silly voice and punctuated by  
farts endorsed (and voiced) by William Dembski seem to demonstrate  
that the creationists have totally run out of strategy and are  
resorting to playground tactics...

Meanwhile, the focus has moved - there's been funding for creationist  
material in the UK via the "Truth In Science" organisation (which  
fortunately got short shrift from the UK's Education Minister) and  
some of the "faith-based academies", and there have been similar  
weaselings in Australia. Anti-science moves have caused censure of  
science in the States, with actual censorship and denial of access,  
such as recently in the EPA, and here in Australia with a climate  
conference which involved polluting industries and the government but  
no environmental groups or even climate scientists.

A year both frustrating and gratifying to those who wish to see  
science taught in science classes and reality-based decision making  
in government...


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