-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Steve Sloan
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 1:32 AM
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: Re: Digital Rights Management is evil

On Feb 4, 2007, at 1:41 PM, Charlie Bell wrote:

> Hmmm, I wonder if the Mac's "save to pdf" option in the print options
> will allow you to get past that. :-)

It sure wouldn't surprise me. I know the Mac PDF viewer is a
lot faster than the slow, bloated Adobe crap-pile on PC.
Steve Sloan


for some reason im not getting the original post to see exactly what is
required to happen. However there is always a work around.....depending on
how much work that you wish to do.

i.e. you can resize the pdf so you see it by full page and screen capture
the desktop paste the file into a image editor, remove the info that you do
not require and resize it to something relative to original and just print
to your hearts content. However if you wish to work with the information
stored in the pdf, simply do the above and run the printed pages through an
OCR and grab the txt that you want/need. Repeat as necessary. 

Lots of work, pain in the rump, but it will work.

If that's not what it is that your tring to do, I shall pour through the
archives and try to find the start of this thread.

Nick Lidster


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