> Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Behalf Of Deborah Harrell

<some snippage> 
> > Well, with the latest consensus report on
> > anthropogenic global warming....I was alarmed
> > enough, especially WRT 'a third of all animal
> species at risk of extinction' 

My bad: that should have been more like 20% -- which
is still bloody alarming to me.

> > within the next century, that I
> > walked around my apt., trying to see what else I
> >could do about my energy consumption....  

> I realize you want to do what is right, and I don't
> mean this personally,
> but the type of actions you are taking, if practiced
> by all people in the
> developed world (including say, the US, W. Europe,
> Japan, Taiwan, and S.
> Korea), would slow global warming by about a year. 
> It is significantly less
> than what is needed to meet Kyoto, and that would
> only delay global warming by about three years.

<wry>  Time to up the ante? I also:
- shower only on days I'll be in public (that might be
  daily in summer, but only 3 days/week in winter)
- wash only large loads of laundry, mostly in cold, 
  occ. in warm, but never hot water
- run my dishwasher < once/week, fully loaded only 
- combine driving trips, ie grocery/bank/library/etc. 
  (which is why I haven't been posting as often; in 
  winter weeks I may drive on 3 days, although in 
  summer it's as much as 6 or 7)
- turn off all lights except in the room I'm using
- reuse various containers (like plastic water
  bottles) until they're worn out
- recycle what I can (paper, aluminum, etc)
- use ~ 2 styrofoam cups/year (when traveling)
- use passive solar heat in winter when able (when the
  sun is shining, thermal blinds are open, when it 
  isn't, they're closed)
- use a bucket/pitcher to save water while waiting for
  it to get warm (goes to flush toilet or water
- etc, etc
I really do try to think about what I'm doing WRT
energy consumption; I'll bet that if everyone did the
same or more (and there are those who make me look
like a glutton!), it *would* make a significant

> That doesn't mean the situation is hopeless...but it
> means _everyone_ taking
> an honest appraisal of the costs and practicality of
> _every_ proposed course
> of action before anything is done.
> I've already proposed some modest suggestions for
> cutting fuel usage:
> raising the tax on gasoline by 50 cents/gal/year for
> the next 10 years.  It
> would not be unreasonable to include the same type
> of tax on fossil fuels
> used in power plants....think of them all as carbon
> taxes.  The money could
> be reimbursed to people with tax credits/cuts which
> would keep it as an
> incentive to change without it bankrupting lower
> income people.  
> Nuclear power should be allowed to compete as a near
> zero greenhouse gas
> emitter, along with other forms of energy (such as
> solar or wind). 

<grimace>  I now actually think that the carbon
problem is so serious that, despite the as yet
unsolved morass of how to safely store spent fuel for
hundreds/thousands of years, we need nuclear as a
bridge.  <seriously, I have a horrible expression on
my face as I type this... :P  >

> But, that wouldn't stop global warming.  It would,
> probably, delay it a few
> years and minimize the impact before we can develop
> technologies based on new science.
> There are a few candidates for that already:
> nanotech solar power, fusion
> power, and to a lesser extent, biopower.  My
> suggestion has always been that
> we spend money on the science now, so we can have
> engineering in 30 years.
> That's a practical time frame.

I'm all for the research, but without reducing
consumption *now* we (well, really, like cockroaches
and coyotes, we'll survive as a species unless most of
the ecosystem collapses) will see societal disruption
on a massive scale before the century ends.  With
globalization and minimal warehousing of goods,
particularly grocery items, it takes only a few days
for folks to get hungry and panicked.  And what will
happen when all those coastal/equitorial areas are
flooded?  Where will those refugees go: who will be
willing to let them in?

And what about all the animals who won't be able to go
anywhere safe?

Earth Day Every Day Maru

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