At 10:37 PM Sunday 5/13/2007, Julia Thompson wrote:
>Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> > At 10:04 PM Sunday 5/13/2007, Robert G. Seeberger wrote:
> >> The kids at my daughter's pre-school were asked to describe what
> >> happens to people when they get old.
> >>
> >>
> >> ***********************************************************
> >>
> >> Some of these are pretty funny.
> >
> >
> > I didn't get any list or any link to a list.  Was such supposed 
> to be included?
> >
> >
> > -- Ronn!  :)
>There was a link, at the beginning of the e-mail:
>Do you see it here?

Yes.  But for some reason for a couple of weeks now or so links have 
been getting stripped out of [some] e-mails I receive, and the 
problem seems to be getting worse.  I suppose I will have to contact 
my ISP and they will deny that they have changed the filtering 
software but sometime a few weeks from now things will suddenly start 
working properly again, as has happened several times before when 
frex messages from lists I have been on for a long time (and in some 
cases paid real money to subscribe to) started not appearing, or I 
got a notice that messages addressed to me from some list or from all 
the lists hosted at a given service had suddenly started bouncing 
back as undeliverable, or something like that . . . :( )

-- Ronn!  :)


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