i don't understand why all these fantasy series are more popular with
adult audiences...
--jon louis

Perhaps because with all the FUD over things like GM food and climate
change in the news every day SF seems entirely too close to the
frightening reality?
-- Ronn!  :)

I think that is likely true.  But I think you also have to factor in
the desire to not do too much 
thinking.  That mode is ever present to some degree, but I think we are
in one of those periods where it has been more dominant. Take the lack
of interest (with the recent exception of federal elections) in
politics as an example.  Maybe it is that people don't want to be
bothered with subjects that require the level of thought that might be
considered "work".

I don't believe that what I'm saying applies to everyone or even
necessarily a majority, but enough people that one can identify the
trend.  Of course my opinions are colored somewhat due to constant
exposure to construction workers and other blue collar sorts. It is an
occasion when I find myself in a discussion with a co-worker outside of
the modern equivelents of neolithic conversational topics (hunting,
fishing, guns, television, and cars).
It is an odd sort of orthodoxy.
Catholic Maru

you both may be right.  however, even if the lowest common denominator
does apply, at least people are starting to develop a sense of wonder,
and consider "what if this goes on"...
by the way; what is maru?
jon louis

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