i clicked on the link and got this, then i was disconnected...
could it be because i have a mac?

Welcome to the brin-l chat Mush!
Running on a new faster server! You will have to create your
name/password again.
Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] about admin issues.
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.


Use create <name> <password> to create a character.

This means YOU!

> "The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over six
> years. Way back on 27 May, 1998, Marco Maisenhelder first set
> up a chatroom for the list, and on the next day, he established
> a weekly chat time. We've been through several servers, chat
> technologies, and even casts of regulars over the years, but
> the chat goes on... and we want more recruits!

> Whether you're an active poster or a lurker, whether you've
> been a member of the list from the beginning or just joined
> today, we would really like for you to join us. We have less
> politics, more Uplift talk, and more light-hearted discussion.
> We're non-fattening and 100% environmentally friendly...
> -----(_() Though sometimes marshmallows do get thrown.
> The Weekly Brin-L chat is scheduled for Wednesday 3 PM
> Eastern/2 PM Central time in the US, or 7 PM Greenwich time.
> There's usually somebody there to talk to for at least eight
> hours after the start time.
> If you want to attend, it's really easy now. All you have to
> do is send your web browser to:
>   http://wtgab.demon.co.uk/~brinl/mud/
> ..And you can connect directly from William's new web
> interface!
> My instruction page tells you how to log on, and how to talk
> when you get in:
>   http://www.brin-l.org/brinmud.html
> It also gives a list of commands to use when you're in there.
> In addition, it tells you how to connect through a MUD client,
> which is more complicated to set up initially, but easier and
> more reliable than the web interface once you do get it set up."
> -- 
> William T Goodall
> Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
> Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/
> "This message was sent automatically using launchd. But even if WTG
>  is away on holiday, at least it shows the server is still up."
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.mccmedia.com/mailman/listinfo/brin-l

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