Well, if you look at what I wrote, I said:

"I would place Moore's story telling with the 'young buck buying steak 
with food stamps story.'

This example of the misuse of food stamps was factually based.  But, I
didn't consider it helpful in a discussion of whether food stamps 
should be eliminated.

The reference to Birth of a Nation was a strong example that showed it 
was possible to tell a simple story that was not at all helpful.  Even
one selectively chose facts (e.g. showed only good actions by whites
only bad actions by blacks) and told no lies, one could have gotten 
something that would have close to the racist appeal of that film.

I'll be happy to agree that Moore is not at the level of "Birth of a
Nation."  But, he's not telling the Rosa Parks story as a straight
documentary either.  It's advocacy journalism...the truth is known a 
priori and the facts that fit it are assembled as needed.  I don't care
when Lou Dobbs bashes undocumented aliens/illegal immigrants with it, 
and I don't care much for it when Moore does it.  Neither helps.

Dan M. 

Maybe a person should see a movie before comparing it to Birth of a

if you look at what i said dan, moore's latest film "is not yet out for
general release", so all of us are basing our comments on the reviews. 
that is enough (along with knowledge of his past films) for me to
assert comparing "sicko" to "birth of a nation" is like apples and

you are absolutely correct that moore is selective with what facts he
uses, and many advocacy journalists do the same.  lou dobbs, however,
used highly exaggerated statistics on the numbers of undocumented
workers.  i much prefer moore's fact checking say to that of bill
o'reilley or anne coulter.

no one is suggesting that we eliminate health care because there is
wide spread abuse, but certainly you would agree that massive reform is
needed.  part of that reform is to expose inequities, corruption,
incompetence and mismanagement, etc.  that is what moore is doing and
he is performing a public service. 

it is also important to expose food stamp abuse.   perhaps moore's next
film will be to expose entitlements (including corporate subsidies!~).
jon m

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