battlestar galactica was one of the best scifi shows on television, but
the producers made the right decision not to drag it out until ennui
sets in.

now we are told lost will have three more seasons and 48 episodes,
which gives the writers plenty of time to wrap up all those loose ends,
and the fans plenty of time to adjust to the end of their universe.  

both of these high profile scifi shows will end with a planned
resolution, instead of suddenly left hanging, like jericho, provoking
the fans to send thousands of pounds of nuts to cbs.  

some of  the best written shows on television, like arrested
development, have the plug pulled because audiences would rather watch
something that appeals to the lowest common denominator.  shows that
are kept running, season after season, because of high ratings, until
they run out of steam, or end by jumping the shark.

what does all this say about those lives that are so caught up in a
television show?  is it possible that many of the shows which impact
our lives so deeply have social relevance, or is it because our lives
are so dull we get off by living vicariously in a virtual reality? 
could that be the reason reality t.v. is so popular?

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