----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: Heroes (with spoilers)

> *** Heroes - with spoilers ***
> Robert Seeberger wrote:
>>> I think I missed these episodes, unless they are in (my) future.
>>> Last week's episodes were the 12 and 13 (and on Saturday there
>>> was a mini-Takei marathon, with him in Psych and Heroes).
>> OK...I'm going to be more careful about what I give away from here
>> out, but Nathans escape was at the beginning of episode 5 "Hiros".
>> That one was the best of the early episodes.
> Ah, ok, when he flew from the thugs just after doing Jessica and
> met Hiro at the desert? I didn't remember the Haitian was there.

It was the Haitian and HRG. Nathan had escaped them after they 
kidnapped him.
That was the first *WOW* moment of the series.

>>> Ok, you think Orley could ambush the Heroes and kill them, one
>>> by one? Except for one detail: the drugged foreteller would 
>>> _paint_
>>> him doing it.
>> If you have seen 12 episodes then you can understand the limits of
>> prescience.
> Yes. And even prescience can be "cheated". I loved the Ep 12
> scene, just after Hiro stole the sword in the museum, when he
> posed near the T-Rex statue, just to mimic the picture - preventing
> that he would have to face a real T-Rex!

Oh yes........in the weeks prior to that ep there were fans arguing 
about how it would play out. Some expected timetravel to the Jurrasic 
and others recognized that there was a museum in the background of 
teaser pics.
Those kinds of moronic discussions and the shippers are why I quit 
going to heroes forums. Too much dumb stuff being discussed.

>> Can ones mind encompass the entireity of the future? Is a
>> foretelling a warning or an inevitability?
>> These are good questions to ponder during future episodes.
>> I have seen the future of your television!<G>
> Yes...
>>> In a superhero world, intelligent people are _always_ the evil
>>> villains.
>> That is usually true I'll grant you. On Heroes.....it is not so 
>> true.
>> At least not in the most simplistic terms. I think that is part of 
>> the
>> charm of the show.
> And I like the fact that some of the characters are ambiguous,
> like the cheerleader adoptive father. He seems Evil, but maybe
> he is not.
Same for Niki, Matt, Nathan, DL, Micah, and Peter.
Only Claire and Hiro seem to be even close to pure of heart, and even 
Claire knows when to smack the shit-eating-grin off that smart-mouthed 
tw*t who used to be her BFF.<G> (my...wasn't that a satisfying 

Tw*t Is Nicer Than C*nt I think Maru


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