> One other thing.  I desperately hope I'm wrong about this, but I'm not so
> sure that those now in power in the White House are willing to give it
> up.  It wouldn't surprise me at all if very little changes after the next
> presidential election; I'm not sure how they'll do it, but I'm certain
> that they have a very low regard for the political ideals most of us hold
> dear, and that maintenance of their hold on power is desperately important
> to them.

I'm not quite sure what you would count as falsification of this
proposition.  For example, if Rudy is elected President, and runs a law and
order administration, as he did in NYC, would that be enough for you to say
that something is going on behind the scenes?  If there are allegations
about stealing an election, as there were in '04, would that be considered
an indication? Or, would someone from the present administration actually
have to seize power?

Dan M.


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