On Sat, 21 Jul 2007, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> I just finished it.  I'm in San Diego, so I lost three hours due to the 
> time change, but just finished it.  It's amazing, wonderful, deeply 
> moving, and not just everything I hoped for, but far more.  Happy 
> reading to all of you still working on it!!!

Good for you.  I didn't get my copy until after 1AM and had to be up at 8 
this morning, and have been somewhat groggy all day.  I'm going to read 
for a couple of hours after the kids have gone to bed, anyway.  :)

(I got to hang out in the Book People parking lot with an acquaintance who 
is moving towards being a friend, which is nice.  Nothing like 
geeks-in-a-parking-lot bonding....)



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