Wait a minute - I'm a liberal and I took an executive function test a lot 
like that only more complex and got a lousy 108 on it.

And how is being more responsive to a new signal a brain DEFECT?

Pat, needs to study to become an idiot savant.


"Car title loans get you back on your feet again."

>From: William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
>To: Brin-L <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
>Subject: Political affiliation could be all in the brain
>Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 00:54:40 +0100
>My hunch that political faith is due to a brain defect similar to
>that which causes religious faith seems to have got evidence backing it.
>"A brain scan might one day predict your voting patterns. That is the
>implication of a study that found different brain activity among
>liberals and conservatives asked to carry out a simple button-pushing
>test. The study implies that our political diversity may be the
>result of neurological differences.
>Researchers have long known that conservatives and liberals score
>differently in psychological profiling tests. Now they are beginning
>to gather evidence about why this might be. David Amodio of New York
>University, US, and his colleagues recruited 43 subjects for their test.
>They asked the participants to rate their political persuasion on a
>scale of -5 to 5, with the lowest number representing the most
>liberal extreme and the highest number representing the most
>conservative score.
>The participants then had to sit before a computer screen and press
>one of two buttons depending on whether they saw an "M" or a "W".
>They had half a second to make each response, so there was a great
>deal of pressure to react quickly.
>Surprising stimulus
>Out of the 500 trials that each subject completed, he or she was
>presented with the same letter 80% of the time. This meant that the
>participants felt compelled to press the same button repeatedly.
>"You keep seeing the same stimulus over and over, so when the
>opposite stimulus comes on it's always a surprise," says Amodio.
>When the less common letter did appear on the screen, the people who
>identified themselves as more conservative (rating themselves
>somewhere between 1 and 5 on the initial questionnaire) pressed the
>"usual" button 47% of the time instead of switching to the correct
>By comparison, the "liberals" who placed themselves between -5 and -1
>on the questionnaire responded more readily to the new signal and
>achieved the slightly lower error rate of 37%.
>Brain recordings taken using electroencephalogram (EEG) technology
>showed that liberals had twice as much activity in a deep region
>called the anterior cingulate cortex. This area of the brain is
>thought to act as a mental brake by helping the mind recognize "no-
>go" situations where it must refrain from the usual course of action.
>Voting prediction
>The new findings are "interesting and provocative" because they could
>perhaps help enable researchers to predict a person's voting
>behaviour based on brain scans, says Jordan Grafman, chief of the
>cognitive neuroscience section at National Institute of Neurological
>Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, Maryland, US.
>Amodio explains that the fact that liberals achieved higher accuracy
>on the button-pressing task does not make them "better" than
>conservatives. "There might be other tasks or situations where a less
>sensitive or more persistent response might be more adaptive," such
>as when new stimuli are distracting, he says.
>He also speculates that differences in brain responses might
>contribute to differences in political views or vice versa.
>"Conservatives tend to say that liberals spend too much time thinking
>and not enough time acting," comments Matt Newman at Arizona State
>University in Phoenix, Arizona, US. But "it would be a leap if
>researchers claim that there is an underlying biological difference
>that leads you to a particular political orientation."
>He adds, however, that the new finding that conservatives stick with
>habit is still interesting given that previous studies have found
>they are more likely to resist change than their liberal counterparts
>(Psychological Bulletin, DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.129.3.339).
>Journal reference: Nature Neuroscience (DOI: 10.1038/nn1979)"
>William T Goodall
>Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
>Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/
>I think a case can be made that faith is one of the world's great
>evils, comparable to the smallpox virus but harder to eradicate. -
>Richard Dawkins


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