I prefer the portmanteau doppelgoogle, which is how I've seen it for a
few years now.  I think it's easier on the tongue and has more
linguistic merit than "googleganger" which doesn't make as much sense
in my opinion.  But that's just my opinion.

On 9/30/07, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21050562/site/newsweek/
> Eve Fairbanks knew something was up four years ago when her mother
> drove six hours-from her home in northern Virginia to New Haven,
> Conn., where Eve was a sophomore at Yale-just to have lunch with her.
> After a meal of risotto came the moment of truth: "I know about the
> porn," Mom told her. It was an honest mistake: Eve's name popped up on
> a handful of X-rated sites when her mother had Googled her out of
> maternal curiosity. But that Eve Fairbanks wasn't her Eve-it was a
> "Googlegänger," a virtual doppelgänger with the same name. "Obviously
> [mom] wanted to hear my side of the story," says Eve. "but she put a
> lot of trust in Google as a
> source.".....................................
> Hey! I got an astrophysicist Googleganger!
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Robert+Seeberger
> xponent
> Twins Maru
> rob
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--Max Battcher--

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