A group of Midwest utilities is building a plant that will store 
excess wind power underground

The future is taking shape under the windswept corn and soybean fields 
outside Dallas Center, Iowa. At the Iowa Stored Energy Park, a 
coalition of local utilities is grappling with one of the thorniest 
challenges in the field of renewable power: how to store the excess 
energy windmills create when demand is low so it can be used later, 
when the need is greater.

The group is building a system that will steer surplus electricity 
generated by a nearby wind farm to a big air compressor (diagram). 
Connected to a deep well, the compressor pumps air into layers of 
sandstone. Some 3,000 feet down and sealed from above by dense shale, 
the porous sandstone acts like a giant balloon. Later, when demand for 
power rises, this flow is reversed. As the chamber empties, a whoosh 
of air flows back up the pipe into a natural-gas-fired turbine, 
boosting its efficiency by upwards of 60%.

This trick does more than capture wind that might otherwise be wasted. 
It also lets the utility sell the stored energy when demand is peaking 
and prices are highest, says Kent Holst, the park's development 
director. Backed by funding from the Energy Dept., more than 100 
municipal utilities in Iowa, Minnesota, and the Dakotas are ponying up 
a total of $200 million to build the 268-megawatt system. Begun in 
2003, the project is on track to go online in 2011.

Although Iowa's compressed air energy storage (CAES) project will be 
the first of its type to bank green energy, it may soon have company. 
In West Texas, TXU CORP.  is working with Shell Wind­Energy to build 
a massive installation of windmills with 3,000 megawatts of capacity. 
The companies hope to connect the wind farm to a CAES system that will 
pump air into underground salt domes. Other potential CAES sites are 
being explored in New Mexico and the Gulf Coast. Nationally, the 
Electric Power Research Institute estimates that more than 85% of the 
U.S. has subterranean features that could support the technique.

For now, CAES is the lowest-cost way to store very large volumes of 
power, according to the Energy Dept.'s Sandia National Labs. While 
American Electric Power Co.  and Siemens Wind Power are testing 
truck-sized batteries with capacities of a megawatt or more, big 
batteries rely on costly, exotic chemicals. CAES, in contrast, 
combines less pricey industrial machinery with the earth's free 
storage capacity. And while battery life is measured in hours, the 
geology below the Iowa project can store about 20 weeks' worth of air 

Despite being unpredictable, wind is the nation's fastest-growing form 
of renewable energy. In the past five years output from wind farms has 
grown tenfold, to more than 12,000 megawatts, or about 1% of total 
U.S. supply. Its fans predict that someday wind could supply 10% or 
more of the nation's electricity. That's already the case in Spain and 

Perhaps subterranean storage techniques will help wind power reach its 
potential. "Near term, it has the best chance of being adapted by the 
utilities," says Sandia stored-energy expert Garth Corey.

Balloonar Planet Maru


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