Over the course of the next 2 centuries several species are uplifted 
by Humans, mostly mammals such as dogs, cats, bonobos, and porposes. 
Sadly, they are barely uplifted to human level intelligence and tend 
to be somewhat dull.
The greatest successes come with rats and foxes and surprisingly 
parrots and crows. The parrots and crows are significantly more 
intelligent than humans and almost to a being great and focused 
philosophers "who can *do* the maths".

Less well known is the story of the rats and foxes, both secretive and 
sly, they kept the extent of their intelligences secret as they did 
their forays into "self-uplift".
Secretly the rats invented time travel and those secrets were stolen 
by the foxes who used them to their own ends.
The secret history of the time wars wherein the rats and foxes battle 
across time with the fate(s) of mankind shifting with successes and 
defeats between the parties has always and will always remain hidden 
to the humans who began the chain of events.

Silently in the wings, the crows watch, observing that existence plays 
out as it always is/was/willbe, only commentting to each other on the 
motivations and details as events fold, unfold, and re-fold into the 
eventualities of earthkinds ultimate destiny.

I Not Here, You Have Never Met Me Maru
You Will Forget Everything Maru
Kids Lit Maru


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