Gary Nunn wrote:
> Possible Spoilers
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R 
> S
> P
> A
> C
> E
> Anyone watching Flash Gordon?  
> I missed this somewhere, but why does Baylin choose to stay on Earth as
> opposed to going back to Mongo?

It's odd, but I remember that episode but I don't remember it being 
explained very well...  It was largely a "I was only a hired killer, but 
I hated who I was and where I was in life and you're kind of cute, 
Flash" thing to me, particularly because Ming sent her ex-husband after 
her to kill her when she failed at her task on Earth.

It seems the normal OCD sci-fi watchers aren't into the show because I'm 
not turning up much more of a synopsis than my own poor recollection on 
the usual OCD sources...

--Max Battcher--

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