On 10/10/2007, at 7:23 AM, jon louis mann wrote:
> i think riders should do as least as much as drivers to accommodate
> each other, if for no other reason than they are more vulnerable.
> there is a too much hostility and frustration on the road to risk
> generating more.  those sanctimonious riders who insist on their right
> of way, even if it means snarling up traffic, are asking for trouble.

"Sanctimonious"? How much of a "snarl-up" is "asking for trouble"?

Is using the inside lane for 200ft before turning "asking for  
trouble"? Is taking the lane at the traffic lights so that one can  
overtake 4 or 5 slower riders when the lights change "being  
sanctimonious"? (because that precise action got myselt and another  
honked at on the red... "honk" *look round* *see bloke waving wildly  
for us to move* um, no.

What you're saying is that the weak should give up their rights to  
the strong.


That's how America started, right? No... wait... the weak *took back  
their rights*. Remember?


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