At 09:46 AM Wednesday 12/12/2007, Jim Sharkey wrote:

>I'll warrant we've got a fan or two on board here,

What I am watching at the moment:


(Reception of that station is pretty lousy, and moreover there were 
several times during Part I that the video dropped out (apparently at 
the station, as the audio continued uninterrupted).  Tonight is 
somewhat better.)

>so I thought I'd
>share the sad news.  Alzheimer's has to be one of the truly awful
>scourges of our ability to live longer.
>Yet, as a fan of the man's work, I can't help but want to make jokes,
>even though I know it's not really funny.  He just doesn't strike
>me as someone who'd want his fans to get maudlin about it.

Yes to all of it.

-- Ronn!  :)

In the beginning, there was nothing.
And God said, "Let there be light."
And there was still nothing, but at least you could see a bit better.

-- Terry Prachett


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