On Dec 22, 2007, at 4:36 AM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

> Aw man, the story just took a bad turn. Some of Chase's friends have
> contacted me via e-mail and (I think) unintentionally confirmed a
> suspicion.
> Chase was street racing when the accident occurred.

There are those, I don't doubt, who will trot out self-righteous "he
brought it on himself" bullshit, but as you see, you'll get none of that
from us here...

One of the blessings of Kevin's short life and illness and death was
that, as a two-year-old with brain cancer, it was all the harder for
others to find fault and point the finger of blame. Harder, but, if you
can believe it, not impossible: several members of Peggy's family still
managed to criticize us for letting him play with battery operated toys
(yes, really: in their sad little heads, he got brain cancer from the
toys we let him play with...

I hope that you and Chase's family find peace and take some solace in
the many kind words that are being spoken about him in memory.

Peace be with you,



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