Did you look at Orion's Arm?  It has a couple of the things you mention:


Trent Shipley wrote:
> I am going to launch a world building wiki.  The working name for the project 
> is "Red".
> Since world building shares a lot with encyclopedias I'm planning to use 
> MediaWiki.
> I haven't decided on GFDL or Creative Commons license yet.
> The wiki will not be an Uplift site.
> These are the features that I'm thinking of as part of a fairly 
> Luddite "cannon".
> --Only STL travel is possible.  No FTL, no worm holes.
> --No reactionless drives.
> --No antigravity.
> ----The main means of travel is by beam riding ships weighing a few grams and 
> made of computronium.
> --Most forms of sophonce do not rely on quantum states
> ----Therefore, mental states can be non-destructively copied.
> --The galaxy is entirely colonized.
> ----Therefore we are millions of years in the future.
> -----Therefore humans are extinct.
> -----Therefore economic ecology is very post-singularity.
> --Fermi was right.  All "life" is Terragenetic.
> --Sapient beings who are any distance up the eco-econ trophic levels live a 
> LONG time.  
> ----Interstellar correspondence is reasonable, even at light speed or slower.
> --There are many unimaginably smart sapients
> --The island nature of each star means that an eco-econ tends to involution.
> ----Stellar habitats tend to convert matter into huge Dyson swarms.
> ------Dyson swarms use as much solar energy as possible.  
> ------Solar systems look like big, cold spheres from the outside.
> --Eco-econs suffer from relative scarcity.
> Feedback is sought.  I'm wondering if this cannon is going to be too 
> unpopular.  Maybe no one will play with me.

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