G. D. Akin wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with or knowledge of Gotham Writers' 
> Workshop? How about any other on-line workshops?

I've been amici (inactive lurker) with Critters Workshop 
(http://www.critters.org/) for a while and was semi-active for a few 
months.  It's focused around weekly critiques of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and 
Horror writers and has a good mix of true amateurs and some pros (lots 
of prose, too, obviously).  I felt it to be a very nice, well organized 
community.  I keep meaning to return to it, but I always seem to worry 
about the time commitment.  It's really not that bad of a time 
commitment if you plan ahead for it.  Critters allows everyone that is a 
member in good standing (active) to submit a single manuscript at a time 
(in an egalitarian first in, first out queue, with an exception for 
bonafide SFWA and HWA members).  The qualification to remain active is 
to submit 1 critique on someone else's manuscript every week for at 
least 3 out of every 4 weeks (75%).  It's run entirely volunteer, which 
I think its not-for-profit status is a nice touch (no upsells to classes 
or ads or lopsided publishing deals).  I certainly would recommend 
checking it out.

Critters pushes the importance of the critique over being critiqued and 
its possible to be an active Critters member and never submit a 
manuscript of your own, solely for the experience of critiquing, that 
art of crafting polite and insightful yet relevantly constructive criticism.

Hope that helps,
--Max Battcher--

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