At 01:00 PM 1/21/2008, David Brin wrote:

>Just a heads-up -
>Catch me on the History Channel's "Life After People" - January 21 
>at 9pm.   A pretty cool show about how all our works may crumble, if 
>we humans ever... well... vanish.

I worked out a mechanism for this to happen.

This is part of an unfinished longer story that describes a world 
carefully maintained by AIs that were designed from motivation up to 
*like* taking care of human works--especially historical ones.

It isn't a very good story in the usual sense of such things, but if 
some of you want to read the chapters in draft that kind of drift 
through a post singularity world, ask for it.  I would appreciate 
comment.  143kb Word file.

Keith Henson


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