"It has come to the attention of Anonymous that there are a number of 
you out there who do not clearly understand what we are or why we have 
undertaken our present course of action. Contrary to the assumptions 
of the media, Anonymous is not "a group of super hackers". Anonymous 
is a collective of individuals united by an awareness that someone 
must do the right thing, that someone must bring light to the 
darkness, that someone must open the eyes of a public that has 
slumbered for far too long. Among our numbers you will find 
individuals from all walks of life - lawyers, parents, IT 
professionals, members of law enforcement, college students, 
veterinary technicians and more. Anonymous is everyone and everywhere. 
We have no leaders, no single entity directing us - only the 
collective outrage of individuals, guiding our hand in the current 
efforts to bring awareness.We want you to be aware of the very real 
dangers of Scientology. We want you to know about the gross human 
rights violations committed by this cult. We want you to know about 
Lisa McPhearson. We want you to know about former members of 
Scientology's private navy, SeaOrg, who were forced to have abortions 
so that they could continue in service to the church. We want you to 
know about Scientology's use of child labor and their gulags. We want 
you to know about Operation Freakout and Paulette Cooper. We want you 
to know about Operation Snow White and Scientology's efforts to 
infiltrate the government of the United States of America.We want you 
to know about all of these things that have been swept under the rug 
for far too long. The information is out there. It is yours for the 
taking. Arm yourself with knowledge. Be very wary of the 10th of 
February. Anonymous invites you to join us in an act of solidarity. 
Anonymous invites you to take up the banner of free speech, of human 
rights, of family and freedom. Join us in protest outside of 
Scientology centers world wide. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do 
not forgive. We do not forget. We will be heard. Expect us."

Totally Skiffy!

Sci-Fi Maru


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