This is pretty cool <arh-arh-arh!>-

> A team of scientists has just set off to explore a
> strange lake in Antarctica, which may be home to
> exotic forms of microscopic life.

"...Antarctica's Lake Untersee, fed by glaciers,
always covered with ice, and very alkaline, is one of
the most unusual lakes on Earth. The upper 70 meters
of lakewater is so alkaline "its pH is like strong
CloroxTM," says expedition leader Richard Hoover of
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. "And to make it
even more interesting, the lake's sediments produce
more methane than any other natural body of water on
our planet. If we find life here, it will have
important implications."

Lake Untersee is a sort of test case for other exotic
places around the solar system (namely Mars, comets,
and the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn) where life
might be found in the extremes. Many of those places
are cold and methane-rich--"not unlike Lake Untersee."

"One thing we've learned in recent years," notes
Hoover, "is that you don't have to have a 'Goldilocks'
zone with perfect temperature, a certain pH level, and
so forth, for life to thrive." Researchers have found
microbes living in ice, in boiling water, in nuclear
reactors. These "strange" extremophiles may in fact be
the norm for life elsewhere in the cosmos..."

Mellow Jello Maru

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