Doug Pensinger wrote:
> And to those of you that are atheist; would you consider the possibility
> that there may be entities in the universe, evolved from lower life forms
> that could for all intents and purposes be considered gods?

Well, anything can be a "possibility".  So yes, I consider it a 
possibility.  But on the other hand, have we any evidence of higher life 
forms?  No.  So I still don't believe in them either, be they 
man-become-god or your average spaghetti-dinner-become-FSM.

I do find interesting the idea of "gods in futurity"...  of working to 
become, in some way, gods ourselves and so I think there is a lot of 
good things to learn from the mistakes of the various deities that are 
worshipped today.  Hopefully we aren't doomed to repeat those mistakes. 
  (That's the plot of Zelazny's Lord of Light, among others.)

--Max Battcher--

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