>> >What else is like this... endless "upgrades" to convince people that
>> >perfectly good old product is obsolete?

>The one that really gets me is razor blades.

>Does anyone really need 5 blades vibrated by a small motor to shave?
>Is the new Gillette FusionPower Phenom with 5 blades and "onboard
>microchip for consistent power" that much better that the 4 blade
>model from last year or the 3 blade SensorExcel from a couple of years

Gillete's dictum : give away the razors, charge the hell out of 'em for the

This kinda backfired, where I'm from. Sensor II razor was so popular they
were forced to continue selling the blades ever after. I'm on a 15 year old
razor, buying a blade every 2 months. The modern innovations do not impress.
I give gilette like around a dollar a month, and I don't begrudge them that.
It's a great razor, with great blades. Screw the 3 and 4 blade things, they
don't do it for me.

So yah.


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