On 16 Aug 2008, at 17:29, Bruce Bostwick wrote:
> One of the articles I saw on this mentioned that at least one of the
> textbooks in question (the one quoted as saying "if (scientific)
> conclusions contradict the Word of God, the conclusions are wrong")
> was published by Bob Jones University.  Those would definitely seem to
> be the same guys.
> It's worth noting that the entire *curriculum* taught by
> fundamentalist-based schools and homeschooling systems (most of them
> use the same curriculum, in most cases either A Beka or PACE) is
> considered so substandard by accredited university standards that most
> fundamentalist "Christian" school courses aren't accepted for credit
> in accredited universities.  This is a widespread enough problem that
> there is a whole "parallel economy" of fundamentalist-affiliated
> universities like Regent, Bob Jones, Liberty, and others, and even
> alternate track *accreditation* for those universities (since their
> *own* courses are often not accepted for transfer to mainstream
> universities, likewise for the reason that most of them are so
> appallingly substandard as to not be worth the paper they're printed
> on), just to provide a secondary education for the kids unfortunate
> enough to have been dragged through a fundamentalist K12 program.
> It's a huge problem, and is very much underreported in this country.

 From the A Beka Book website:

"World History and Cultures in Christian Perspective
This well-researched text stands on the conviction that God is the  
Creator of the world and the Controller of history.

The text builds a solid foundation of ancient history, tracing man's  
history back to the Garden of Eden. It gives a fine presentation of  
neglected Asian and African cultures in a unique ancient-to-modern  
style, helping the students to recognize other peoples and cultures.  
An in-depth study of the Greco-Roman culture lays the groundwork for  
an exciting section on medieval history. The last section brings the  
student to the very doorstep of current history and vividly depicts  
world events in light of God's master plan.

Since man's actions are a product of his thoughts, the history of  
ideas is emphasized, rather than only political events and economic  
conditions. Students are given a Christian perspective on language,  
chronology, "prehistoric times," art, music, revolutionism,  
evolutionism, socialism, Communism, humanism, liberalism, and much more.

Colorful maps, time lines, illustrations, and photographs help to make  
the study of history both interesting and rewarding."


"Science of the Physical Creation
Atmosphere, weather, oceanography, earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks, and  
fossils are just some of the earth-science topics of this outstanding  
text. The geology section includes a good refutation of the "principle  
of uniformity" and other ideas of evolutionary philosophers. Basic  
concepts of chemistry are presented in a simple and yet accurate  
manner, and physics concepts are applied to lasers, computers, and  
other electronic devices."


"Biology: God's Living Creation--New Edition
Truly nonevolutionary in philosophy, spirit, and sequence of study.  
Begins with the familiar, tangible things of nature with special  
emphasis on the structure and function; and concludes with God's  
amazing design at the cellular and chemical level.

Ties abstract concepts to concrete examples through clear, easy-to- 
read explanations. Lays a firm foundation for future studies in  
chemistry, physics, and other fields while teaching students the  
Christian perspective of science. With the academic knowledge gained  
in the text, students will also find a greater appreciation for God's  
physical creation and an increased interest in science.

Lists key concepts at the head of each chapter, Includes pronunciation  
helps, key-words in bold, vivid photographs, and full-color diagrams.  
Includes section reviews and a chapter review for each chapter to  
reinforce learning and help students prepare for tests. Includes a set  
of TransVision overlays of the human body to show at a glance the  
anatomical relationships of the body's systems.

Investigates such fields of study as botany, zoology, microbiology,  
physiology, cytology, genetics, and ecology. Reflects the latest  
advances in man's understanding of living things without neglecting a  
foundation in the basics."

These people are mad Maru

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

Debunking bullshit is a thankless task.


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