> Not in school, and not in science class. In comparative religion,
> maybe, but it's hard enough to teach good science without adding a
> load of creation myths to the course. And that's the issue - "Both
> sides"? No - because if they allow "both sides" they have to allow ALL
> sides. That means Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Aboriginal... If you really
> wanted to cover what EVERY religion says about creation, there
> wouldn't be time for any science at all.

I'm not sure if teaching "both sides" cannot be done in a course that
teaches science.  It requires, though, a course on science itself, not on
any particular science.

But, that's not a bad thing.  In the US, we have bio, chem, physics, and
general science or earth science as the options for 4 years of science.  A
one year course on how science works, drawing from simple examples in
biology, physics, cosmology, etc...including discussions of how theories are
actually developed, changed, etc. would be worthwhile.

I could see such a course covering why Newton was right about physics and
wrong about astrology and alchemy, as well as discussing "creation science".
I probably could sit down, and with a month or so of work, have a pretty
good basis for a year's course in this.  I would guess that I'd need help
making sure my course was age appropriate, but I think it could be done

Now, politically, this would be impossible because creation science would
fail miserably.  Even when put in a religious context (e.g. Sunday School
classes), it fails. As I have told fundamentalists "are you so sure you know
the mind of God so well that you can develop theories of science with better
predicting power from that knowledge than using God's gifts of observation
and reason to develop those theories?"  But, on principal, a course that
seriously evaluated creation science, the vaccine-autism correlation,
astrology, and Gaianism as theories of science alongside biology, chemistry,
and physics would be worthwhile in teaching what science really is.

Dan M. 


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