On 30 Aug 2008, at 23:48, Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:

> Jon Louis Mann wrote:
>>> When it's split between crazy creationists in one side
>>> and mass murdering atheist baby killers on the other, I
>>> think I side with the creationists.
>> That is not thinking, Alberto, that is feeling!~)  I unequivocally  
>> side
>> with the mass murdering atheists!~).
> I don't. When atheist-based ideology condemns every baby with
> Down Syndrome to be search and destroyed, it's a message
> that people with Down Syndrome should also be hunted and
> gassed.

That doesn't follow at all. That's the kind of illogical argument  
religionists make, like "if we allow gay marriage they'll be marrying  
donkeys next!".

By this line of reasoning Ashkenazi Jews are trying to commit genocide  
on themselves by practising genetic screening for inherited diseases!

> Even if you don't give a fuck about people with Down Syndrome,
> remember that, not long ago, someone else started doing the
> same thing, and he-who-should-not-be-mentioned-in-mailing-lists
> began the pogrom by mass-murdering those with mental handicaps.

I invoke Godwin's Law. You lose the argument.

> Exclusion is usually irreversible, when you started excluding people
> from Humanity the final outcome is that only _one_ group remains.

Abortion and contraception are not excluding people from humanity.

>> I wonder if Sarah Palin is deliberately using her Down Syndrom  
>> pregnancy
>> "with four kids already, and at an age when the risk of fetal  
>> abnormalities
>> is massively escalated"?
> This is nonsense. There's no way (at least for euploid adults) to make
> the chance of having a Down Syndrome baby more than a ridiculously
> small value. Even for "very old" women the rate is still less than 5%.
>> By not aborting, her "moral" position has advanced
>> her political career.  It IS "a terrible, selfish, morally bankrupt  
>> example
>> to set", especially if McCain wins and she is a doddering heartbeat  
>> away
>> from the presidency.
> So, you think that someone does the _right_ thing, it's only because
> it benefits the political career? In other words, if I am in a  
> position, say,
> to accept a bribe, and I don't accept, I only do it because it will  
> benefit
> me?

If it makes you feel good about your probity that's a benefit :-)

Simple Pleasures Maru

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

Theists cannot be trusted as they believe that right and wrong are the  
arbitrary proclamations of invisible demons.


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