Jon wrote:

> recently, i've been reading a lot of british authors; lain banks, peter
> hamilton, ian mcdonald, ian r. and ken macleod, alastair reynolds, bob shaw,
> chas stross...
> i mostly read hi tech,, cutting edge, near future hard sf, some urban
> fantasy and alt history.
> rhys hughes is on my list and maybe finish the canopus in argos: archives,
> by doris lessing

So have you read Bank's most recent, Matter?

I tried to pick up Anathem the other day but the bookstore I frequent was
out already which is just fine as I'm in the middle of several others
including Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses, Baxter's Manifold: Time
and McCollough's Adams bio.

All the Pretty Horses which is the first book of a trilogy is a bit of a
departure from the other two McCarthy books I've read  (Blood Meridian and
The Road) in that it isn't nearly as bleak and violent.  There's even a bit
of humor.  The guy can write a gripping story though; I couldn't put down
The Road.

Not a Git, maru

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