On 9/13/2008 1:35:03 PM, Julia Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Most, if not all, of the Houston area is without power --
> I've been
> hearing from folks who have heard from folks there that they've
> lost power
> and it may be as long as several days before it comes back.
> A friend whose dad is just south of Houston weathered the storm fine,
> aside from the loss of power.
> I'm hoping for the best for Rob right now.
I'm fine!
I suffered no personal damage and i have power, water, internet, 
Everyone else in my family had a little property damage, minor stuff like 
fences being blown over or shingles blown away, and none of them have 
electricity. So once again I have been fortunate beyond my worth.

Dan's home is probably in worse shape than any of my families homes, but 
hopefully it is still not very serious damage.
I expect there is no power in his part of town either.

Oooooooo What A Lucky Man He Was Maru


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