On Sep 21, 2008, at 8:35 AM, Ronn! Blankenship wrote:

> Officials paving California road that plays William Tell Overture
> <http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/09/20/musical.road.ap/index.html>

Yup. That's just what America needs: an excuse to drive back and forth  
over the same stretch of road for no real purpose whatsoever. YouTube  
videos show people in SUVs and sedans driving down the road at 50MPH  
or so, then making a U-turn to do it again.

Oh, and it's not "officials" who did it, it was Honda. Evidently, when  
driven in a vehicle with the exact wheelbase and wheel diameter of a  
Honda Civic (or Accord, or whatever commercial it was for which the  
road was grooved), it plays roughly in key. In the couple of videos I  
watched, it was uniformly awful: the intervals between the notes  
weren't even right. I suspect that was due to speeding up and slowing  
down between notes.

All in all, the sort of thing I wished people would do to roads when I  
was, oh, maybe about 6 years old, but now that I've actually developed  
an awareness of consequences (a real buzz-kill, that), It looks more  
and more like an example of wretched excess.



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