On Sep 24, 2008, at 2:12 PM, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

> Ah, Conservapedia... It never ceases to be fun...
> http://www.conservapedia.com/Conservapedia:Critical_Thinking_in_Math
> Did someone (was it me?) mention Fundamentalist Math?
> Alberto Monteiro
> PS: I must confess a sin... I've been _collaborating_ with  
> Conservapedia...

You mean on the order of "π = 3"?  :)  (Maybe they should claim that  
"e = 2" and "[phi] = 1" so they can have a nice little set of tame  
little integers?)

[If Andrew hasn't been censoring your wikiedits, then as far as I'm  
concerned, the more rational people editing Conservapedia articles,  
the better.  It's still sort of a sick joke as far as actual  
intellectual discourse is concerned, but if the fundies want to play  
in their own sandbox and not participate in actual discourse in  
Wikipedia, it's at least good that some reality is making its way into  
their articles, the more subtly the better. :) ]

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