Just few thoughts from one of the long-timers.

Yeah, Charlie, we've been around for about 12 or 13 years.  Julia will know
better than I, she was already here when I joined in 1996, I think it was.

My point is, we've had to first tolerate, then educate, and finally adopt a
lot of people who don't like to play nice with their language at first. More
than a few people have have offended me initially, but it seems with time
and patience they come to see than we are a community who like to talk and
laugh together, even if we don't agree.  God knows I made my fair share of
mistakes with being new to email and all, in the beginning.

Will wonders never cease, I was glad to see Gautam jump into the fray.  I
knew he'd have another perspective information that we needed to share.  I,
too, appreciate your civil tome, Gautam, although I suspect you've signed
off again by this time.  Thank you Dan for getting him involved.

I'd also like to congratulate everyone here for *not* turning this into
another US election forum this time around.

Just me, being a little maudlin...

Amities all,

Jo Anne


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