> it would be great if all inequites could be addressed
> without regard to race, sex, ethnicity, etc.  however, cases
> where a minority is given preference over a white male, who
> may even be more qualified, to satisfy quotas are less of a
> concern to me than the reverse. when the advantage was
> reversed for white males, far more injustices existed
> against minorities. it thas taken generations to begin to
> address these inequities, and we are still a long way away
> from equal rights and equal justice for all.
> jon

> You have to change people's attitudes. 
> Affirmative action not only does nothing
> to help people see why racism is wrong, it
> reinforces the idea that race should be 
> an important factor.  Its polarizing; it
> alienates people and its counterproductive 
> in the battle against racism.
> Doug

I beg to differ, Doug.   People's attitudes are changing, BECAUSE of 
affirmative action!  More and more women and minorities are graduating college 
and entering higher paid professions, precisely because of quotas.  It is true 
that affirmative action has been a highly polarizing factor, so that now racism 
continues to exist BOTH ways.  The difference is that blacks and other 
minorities no longer "know their place" and are not afraid to express their 
bitterness and alienation.  With the rise of "power to the people" some 
militant feminists, gays and other oppressed minorities are reciprocating the 
hate and bigotry that has historically been directed at them.  David Brin calls 
it the Dogma of the Other".


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