On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 6:55 AM, John Williams

> If only he were likely to lead us somewhere worth going, rather than
> into a future of wasting as much money as he can,

One of the ways in which Obama leads is that he resists the temptation to
question the motives of those with whom he disagrees.  I see that you are
not thus encumbered.

I try to practice it myself, with varying degrees of success.  The ultimate
moment for me came four years ago, in the hours after our niece called to
tell us her husband was killed in action in Iraq.  I sure wanted to blame,
question motivations, agree with the people who label our current
administration "evil" and so forth.  However, around 2 a.m., I decided I
would not go there, to the best of my ability.

Obama's appeal to me is largely due to his history of getting people who
disagree to come together for positive purposes.  That sort of leadership is
impossible when one demonizes one's opponents.  Obama doesn't characterize
conservatives as evil, he just disagrees with them.  That's why he shuts his
supporters down when they boo McCain; he tells them we don't need that, we
just need to vote.  For me, that's a breath of fresh political air, truly a
sign of hope when people get behind it.


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