On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:50 AM, John Williams wrote:

> Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Why would it be fair to contribute more?
> Why would it be fair to force others to pay for what you want?

It's not about what I want. Or what you want. It is about what WE
want, as expressed in the government that we elect and the laws
that they pass on our behalf.

If you don't like being forced to pay for what *I* want (to the
extent that my one vote is ever expressed in government and laws),
you are encouraged to vote for what *you* want.

If you want something different, vote differently, or run for
office, or write letters to your representatives or senators or
mayor or dog catcher to change it.

There are certainly things that are done with my money that I
don't like, but I don't complain about being "forced" to pay
for them, I vote. I write to people who can do something about
it (not just Brin-L). I try to keep a civil tongue in my head
when I do so.



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